
2012 10 25 1

The team of the Environmental Education Department of NNP keep establishing ties with institutions of various backgrounds. On October 25, they met with the staff and students of St. Jehosaphat Collegium specializing in history and philosophy, located within the Buchach Monastery of the Holy Cross. The teachers and students watched a presentation about the formation and main goals of the NNP Dniester Canyon.

 2012 10 25 2

Vice-Principal R. Demianchuk and the teachers of the Collegium emphasized the importance of maintaining friendly ties in the future and invited the peer education group formed in the Zalishchyky Gimnasia to attend their school. Representatives of other departments of NNP are to participate in the subsequent meetings with the students and teachers. The presentation was organized by A. Sidorov and Z. Zhabiuk and attended by about 50 students and staff members.

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